
Unveiling and Celebrating the Occitan Identity
of the Grana, Maira, and Stura Valleys

Beica ben! 2023

This year, Maura Banfo, Manuela Cirino, Silvia Margaria, Enrico Tealdi, and Stefano Venezia are the artists who have continued the exploration of the territories of the three valleys, with their stories and traditions, including those of Occitan heritage, and the environment. Their research and themes are diverse, coupled with a multifaceted use of languages, representing the most contemporary expression of art.

The 2023 edition is marked by the use of public outdoor spaces, reflecting a desire to engage more deeply with people in the social dimension of the community. The goal is to create an artistic project that comes to life in a physical and conceptual relationship with the places, capable of speaking to everyone. This inclusive and thoughtful art embraces the call to pay attention to the small things that reveal the essence of these valleys, bridging past and present with generosity and a capacity for vision. The biodiversity of nature, the oral stories passed down by elders, the tradition of wandering painters, and the gaze towards the stars that the ancients directed towards the sky.

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Noble Material – Remember Not to Forget

by Maura Banfo

Vai Saber

by Manuela Cirino


by Silvia Margaria

A Thousand-Year Sleep

by Enrico Tealdi

Searching Carefully

by Stefano Venezia

Beica Ben! Sguardi d’artista

Nel 2022, all’interno del progetto Beica Ben! è stata lanciata una call per artisti. La proposta: andare a scoprire il territorio occitano in totale autonomia, girandolo e visitandolo secondo i propri interessi e tempi.

La direzione artistica e il partenariato di progetto hanno valutato attentamente le candidature per poi selezionare una decina di artisti che hanno intrapreso un’esplorazione libera, una ricerca di punti di vista esterni e nuove narrazioni. Illustratori, instagrammer, architetti, fotografi e videomaker avevano il solo compito di mettersi in ascolto, porre attenzione e soprattutto “osservare bene”, per poi restituire il loro punto di vista attraverso il loro personale medium artistico.

Sguardi d’artista è la narrazione corale dell’identità occitana di otto persone che si sono messe in gioco e hanno guardato bene.

Sguardi d’artista

narrazione corale

opere d'arte

Beica ben! 2022

The Beica Ben! project’s inception was grounded in the perception of art as an immediate and empathetic instrument for dialogue, knowledge, and education. It is increasingly recognised in international contemporary discourse as a valuable and cross-disciplinary asset. This endeavour fosters community practices that spring from the natural interaction with art, seen as an open and egalitarian space for exchange, providing a novel means of connecting with territories and individuals.

It presents an alternative approach to the notion of tourism, intertwining themes from art and everyday life, both within and beyond one’s community. The 2022 edition of Beica Ben!, featuring Silvia Capiluppi, LabPerm, Lavinia Raccanello, Tommaso Rinaldi, and Saverio Todaro, laid the groundwork for the subsequent 2023 project, which also expanded into the Stura Valley. At the core of Beica Ben! lie the valleys, with their landscapes, narratives, and people, who are envisioned both as commissioners and recipients of the works conceived through the deep engagement of the residencies.

1.2 | LenzuoliSOSpesi

by Silvia Capiluppi

Velhaa_Per aquihi que duermen nin

by LabPerm


by Lavinia Raccanello

Pòrta bonaür

by Tommaso Rinaldi


by Saverio Todaro

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